Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Rudicon 2014 is Coming Soon!

Rudicon 2014 has been in the planning stages, and it won't be too much longer before the convention will be upon us. Here are some details:

Friday, Feb. 14 - Sunday, Feb. 16

Friday, Feb. 14: 5:00pm - 12:00pm
Saturday, Feb. 15: 10:00am - 12:00pm
Sunday, Feb. 16: 10:00am - 6:00pm

Current Planned Events
Magic: The Gathering Drafts, Standard and Legacy Tournaments
Warhammer Tournament
Dominion Tournament
Warmachine Tournament
Board Game Showcases
And, of course, the Pentathalon!

If you would like to run an event at Rudicon this year, our registration system will be up within the week. We will make an announcement once it's been updated.

If you would like to volunteer on the Rudicon staff, then please join us for our weekly meetings. We will not be meeting during winter break, but we will be meeting the first three weeks of spring semester leading up to the convention. If you do not wish to be part of the planning stages, then you can also volunteer on the staff for the convention. And yes, this will count towards your comp learning hours!

Last year was a great success, and this year is only looking up, so please join us at RWAG's Rudicon 2014!